Thursday, July 31, 2014

Standing Up Against Evil

It is the children who bare the greatest brunt of political ineptness, whether the children flooding our southern border or the children being used as human shields in Gaza.  
Both of these situations are heartbreaking and maddening, and the real tragedy lies in the fact that they both could have been prevented if Hamas' political leaders and politicians here in the US were compelled to actually protect kids rather than use them for political gain. In both cases, the people making the political decisions that are leading to the deaths of children should be dealt with swiftly. In the case of Hamas, using militarily action and here in the US, by voters wielding their power at the ballot box. 
In the middle east, there is another tragic crisis going on that no one seems to be talking about and that is the total extermination of Christians in Syria and Iraq. The oldest Christian communities in the world are now facing beheadings, murder, and rape. These are calculated acts of terror against religious minorities who have lived in the region for hundreds of years, yet we have not heard a word about it from our political leaders. In fact, the Pope is even staying quiet on the issue. Where is the outrage? I believe this extermination of Christians by the Islamic  State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is the direct result of America abdicating its global leadership. America backs away and evil fills the void. 
For those of you who call yourself Christian, its time to compel world leaders to use military force against ISIS and stop this extermination. Christians around the world should be mobilizing to get the Pope and Christian leaders to use their influence to get military support for their brothers and sisters in need. 
For those of you who think this is someone else’s problem in a far away land, think again because maybe you’re next. It’s time for the US and the world to stand up against radical Islam.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Tens of thousands do not show up at our border unless it was planned in advance!

President Obama set the border crisis in motion with his speech in 2012 announcing that as long as illegal aliens met his conditions, they would not be deported. He laid out this recipe in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. This policy, along with discussions within Congress of granting amnesty to the 25 million illegal aliens coupled by poor border security created the mess we have today at our southern border.

Further evidence that the administration planned and expected the border crisis, was the revelation that the Department of Homeland Security solicited bids in January 2014 for a government contract for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” in expectation of the arrival of 65,000 minors on our southern border without parents or guardians.

It is becoming clear, that the border crisis was an intentional act to overwhelm U.S. Border Patrol, so it would force the Congress into accepting the President’s immigration policy. This act not only disregards the rule of law but it places our citizens at risk. This deceitful strategy was created in concert with others in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, to foster a mass illegal migrant crossing into America.

These migrants are not refugees; they are paying $10,000 per person to be smuggled into America from OAS- certified democracies. The governments of these countries, whom American taxpayers contribute hundreds of millions of dollars each year, foster illegal migration into America because it is a great source of revenue for their country and a source of their own personal wealth.

Its one thing to try to gain an upper hand in politics but quite another when you cause the deaths of many innocent young lives. The pawns in this game are the children traveling over 2,000 miles in brutal heat with no food or water, lead by rapists and drug smugglers with the expectation that they can stay in America. It is then unconscionable to overwhelm our cities and towns that are forced to bear the brunt of this disastrous policy. A policy that is nothing more than human trafficking.

American’s are some of the most giving and forgiving people in the world. We can always be counted on for compassion and helping our neighbors. Sadly, politicians know this and use it against us for political gain. This border crisis is just another example.

No one wants to see people suffering, especially children. But if we are already struggling because of a poor economy, 25 million Americans without a job, skyrocketing food and gas prices, how can we accept more unskilled foreign labor on top of our already indigenousness unskilled labor? How can our communities accept more people, when they don’t have the resources to take care of those already here? Why are we treating migrants from Central America differently than those from any other part of the world? Why are the President and Congress manufacturing problems when the middle class can’t make ends meet?

Its time we stand up and demand that immigration reform cannot begin without first securing the border and deal with the 25 million illegal aliens already here. 

The bottom line: If we can’t control our borders, we are not a country and if we are not a country then nothing else matters!

The government is us; we are the government,
you and I.

Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Why Israel's war for peace matters!

The world’s media, most governments and the United Nations are always quick to cast blame on Israel when it fights to protect itself. This past week has been no different.

When Israel is bombarded with thousands of missiles, what is it expected to do? When the bombers place their missiles and weapons in UN controlled schools, private homes and state hospitals, what should Israel do?   

This situation requires a true understanding of the history between Israel and its neighbors. This battle will not end with the destruction of Israel but will continue to the western world.

Every life is important and the loss of innocent life is crushing to anyone who values life. Hamas is using innocent Palestinian lives purposely as human shields and then using the media to exploit their deaths. The world community must realized they are being manipulated and stop supporting Hamas. If the Palestinians want peace then they should work with the Israel and the world community to remove Hamas.

I ask that you watch the following two brief videos to gain a basic understanding on what is at stake for Israel and the civilized world.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Leadership II

It's time for our nation to realize that our present policies based on accommodation and appeasement put us on a path leading to confusion and global instability. By giving up our leadership role in the world, we sacrifice our security both economically and militarily. We must not repeat the economic and global disasters of history. As America goes, so goes the world!

The President and Congress should immediately begin implementing the following:

  1. Provide the necessary arms to the Ukraine government to defend itself.
  2. Deploy a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. 
  3. Cut off all trade with Russia and freeze all of its U.S. assets.
  4. Provide our European allies the energy resources needed to replace those from Russia.
  5. Cut off all aid to the Palestine Authority.
  6. Provide any support necessary to aid Israel in its defense against Hamas and all threats to its survival.
  7. Impose sanctions on the Mexican and Central American governments for essentially ignoring illegal migrant trade through their countries and into America. 
  8. Provide compassion and assistance to migrants who are seeking a better life. 
  9. Deploy the National Guard to secure the southern border.
  10. Once the border is secure, create an achievable, realistic, verifiable, bipartisan immigration policy. This policy does not provide amnesty or citizenship. 
  11. Begin implementation of our new immigration policy that recognizes the needs of our Country and it's citizens. This new policy adheres to our Constitution and the rule of law. 
  12. Insist that FBI investigate the events surrounding the current illegal mass migration and prosecute those that have violated Title 8 US Code, Section 1324 (a). 

Leaders don’t complain, they find solutions!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Our southern border is being overrun by tens of thousands of citizens from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The war between Israel and Hamas is heating up and so is the one between the Ukraine and Russia. Killings continue in Afghanistan. More girls kidnapped in Nigeria. Negotiations for Iran’s nuclear program drag on, and finally, the latest horrible tragedy: the murder of 298 people on board Malaysia Airlines flight 17.

All of these conflicts, in addition to our domestic scandals, abuse of power, and ruinous foreign policy, highlight a bigger picture: the lack of Presidential and Congressional leadership in our country. If America cannot control its own borders, how can it remain a country? If America cannot protect its own citizens, how can it help its allies?

American leadership is absent from the world stage because we have a President and Congress that are more interested in raising money for themselves than they are  governing and solving problems. Americans were murdered today and our politicians act as if it was a minor robbery! It is disgraceful that we have elected officials who spend more time blaming the other guy/political party, banks, the rich, the self-reliant, the hard working middle class, while the Country, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid go bankrupt and the world plummets into complete chaos.

For those of you who support these elected officials, best of luck. For those who don’t, I suggest you start getting involved and elect public servants, not self servants. It is up to us to energize the silent majority that believes in the Constitution and the principles that have made us a great nation. The world is counting on us!

My prayers go to the families that have lost their loved ones from this barbaric act. Especially to my professional colleagues at Malaysian Airlines who have suffered greatly over the last several months. 

Freedom is never free! 

"It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary."
-Winston Churchill

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Stake in the Game

To be a successful entrepreneur takes a host of attributes: vision, perseverance, determination, commitment, and more. It can be a lonely, winding, steep road. You start with a lot of cheerleaders and supporters but, invariably, many drop out when the going gets tough. Why? Because they have no “stake in the game.” They can afford to watch from the sidelines.

Our politicians have basically become those non-stakeholders. They have a lot to say but don’t really contribute any value that moves the vision forward. And worse yet, they have rigged the game to serve themselves at the expense of the rest of us hard working Americans.

As I talk to voters, people describe politicians as "a bunch of crooks, who are destroying our country.” It is increasingly clear that our elected officials have become self servants, not public servants. They exempt themselves from the laws the rest of us have to live by. They treat themselves like royalty, profiting from inside information and making business deals that would likely send us outsiders to prison. And how about that congressional pension and healthcare plan? There is not a business in this country that comes even close to offering the perks that Congress gets. Why would any member of Congress need to worry about things like paying for college, affordable insurance, or a mortgage? In fact, they don’t. They have rigged the system so they have a great deal and we don’t.  This, ladies and gentleman, is what it means to have  “No Stake in the Game!”

It's time to make a change. I live my principles. I want to make a strong statement against the status quo. I’m not a rich man but I can afford not to buy into a corrupt system. As your new Congressman, I will donate my salary to non-political causes that truly do help make this country better. My staff and I will not exempt ourselves from Obamacare and we will not accept any subsidies to pay for it. It should be mandatory that every member of Congress accept the same options as every other American. This is no gimmick. It’s how I prove my “stake in the game” and how, I hope, we start transforming the political culture in Washington.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Remnants: America's future

American's residents love their sports teams. Actually, they are obsessed with their sports teams. Some know more about their teams than they do about their own families. Many are willing to pay large amounts of money to see their teams in action, and have no tolerance for a losing season. In fact, if a manager doesn’t deliver a winning team in one year, that manager is kicked out of town.

So why is it that American's have no tolerance if their teams' managers have a lousy season but they are perfectly willing to accept failure by their elected officials for decades?

The decisions made by your elected officials impacts every element of your life, from your job, to your wages and taxes, to the price of gas, food, and shelter: the most basic areas of daily life. For example, why have Floridan's accepted paying 30% more for gas, while other parts of America pay less? Why are some American's accepted paying over 900% more for natural gas than the rest of country? Are you happy paying outrageous amounts for your transportation fuel or heating/electric power, when the rest of the country pays only a fraction? Clearly the managers aren't calling the right plays so why aren't we calling for their jobs? 

Maybe it's time to take ownership of your citizenship.

A Doctrine of Responsibility 
You are not a "member" of this country. You are an owner. Membership provides you privileges with no obligation. Ownership provides you with rights and the power to take action!

Begin taking ownership of your citizenship. Get involved and stop politicians that are constantly giving us losing seasons. Their incompetence is destroying our country.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” 
Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Will Americans Defend Their Constitution?

Millions of people visit America each year to celebrate and appreciate the accomplishments of our Founding Fathers.  John & Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington…it was these patriots and thousands more, who against all odds, fought for freedom and independence. Their sacrifices led to the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. These acts provided the foundation for all of the opportunities we have today.

Sadly, over our lifetime and especially since 911, we have unknowingly given up many of our liberties and freedoms in return for “safety.” Benjamin Franklin once said: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Today we are seeing that the freedoms and principles hundreds of thousands of Americans have defended and died for, are now in serious peril.

So will Americans defend their Constitution?

The answer to this question determines the future of our country and the direction of the world. Whether our President, Congress, or Countrymen like it or not, America is the beacon of hope for the entire world. We are the engine behind the global economy. Through our support for the rule of law, property rights, unalienable rights that are God given, not government given, self-reliance, and achievement, we have created the pillars that make prosperity achievable to anyone willing to work. If we don't believe and defend these principles, America will descend into a perilous downward spiral, with the world in tow.

There is a lot of criticism of President Obama and how he is circumventing the Constitution to transform America. That criticism is incomplete without blaming the entire Congress for allowing the President to move forward unimpeded. Our entire system of government is now operating without boundaries and when this happens chaos ensues: class warfare, unnecessary wars, abuse of power at all levels, government intrusion, loss of privacy/rights, bankruptcy, uncontrollable borders, and a lack of trust. It all adds up to a disaster in the making.

When elected officials get domestic policy wrong, people lose their jobs. When they get foreign policy wrong, people die. When they get both wrong, nations collapse. Our Constitution provides the template to disperse power so power cannot be consolidated to destroy the republic. Many Americans do not know that many leaders in our government believe our Constitution has no relevance in the modern world and therefore is an eighteen-hundred-year-old relic. They believe they know better than the rest of us and therefore want to impose their will on us.

If you believe the NSA spying program was intrusive, just wait because if this outrageous usurpation of executive power and the abdication of Congressional power continues, then freedoms and liberties we have established under the Constitution will be lost forever.

It's up to the voters to decide their fate, and if they choose wrongly they have no one to blame but themselves.

God help us!